Applying for a Primary School Place

Primary School applications can be made via the Slough Borough Council Website

At Lea Nursery School, we work with parents as a team to ensure your child is school ready. To be school ready your child will need to be able to use the toilet independently, dress and undress themselves, be able to listen and speak to convey meaning and follow rules and routines. Academic readiness is also important, and Lea Nursery School delivers a robust curriculum covering the seven areas of learning. However, without the above skills children will not be ready for their next steps in their educational journey. Children with identified specific needs will always be catered for and a careful bespoke transition plan will be followed.

Please make school choices with the best interest of your child at the heart of your decision. We recommend you visit the schools and consider your child’s personality, learning style and your values and beliefs before making a choice. You should always select three choices.